
RecyclingContainer<T> Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by RecyclingContainer<T>.

Protected Properties
Protected PropertyAttachedElementGets/sets the actual System.Windows.FrameworkElement that is attached to the object. If no object is attached then null is returned.  
Protected Internal PropertyIsDirtyGets/sets a value that determines if the System.Windows.FrameworkElement attached has been modified in such a way that it should just be thrown away when the object is done with it.  
Protected PropertyRecyclingElementTypeGets the System.Type of the System.Windows.FrameworkElement that is being recycled.  
Protected PropertyRecyclingIdentifierIf a RecyclingElementType isn't specified, this property can be used to offer another way of identifying a reyclable element.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCreateInstanceOfRecyclingElementCreates a new instance of the System.Windows.FrameworkElement that represents the object.  
Protected MethodOnElementAttachedInvoked when a System.Windows.FrameworkElement is being attached to the object.  
Protected MethodOnElementReleasedInvoked when a System.Windows.FrameworkElement is no longer attached to the object.  
Protected MethodOnElementReleasingInvoked when a System.Windows.FrameworkElement is being released from an object.  
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedInvoked when a property changes on the RecyclingContainer object.  
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedEvent raised when a property value is changed.  
See Also